Thai / English

Birth-control measures planned for migrant workers

In a joint move to tackle human trafficking and foreign children born in Thailand, the Labour and Social Development and Human Security ministries are planning to impose contraception on migrant workers.

23 Nov 10
The Nation

The Labour Ministry said it was focusing on the boom of children born to migrant workers, with the Social Development and Human Security Ministry saying such children were prone to be victimised by human trafficking due to their illegal residence.

A meeting between the two ministries and national police, Interior and Public Health Ministries as well as the National Security Council will soon be called to discuss measures.

Labour Ministry spokesman Sutham Natheethong said the number of children born to migrant workers or without Thai nationality was growing. "The problem will become long-standing and grow more difficult to solve, if it's not tackled now," he said, adding that Thailand would study and perhaps follow measures adopted by countries such as the US and Singapore.

Saengmuang Mangkorn, of MAP Foundation, condemned the government's birth control and repatriation policies. "Both practices are in violation of human rights and any new policies should regard their basic rights as normal Thais," he added.

He added that the authorities should instead give them financial aid and further develop existing local birth-control programmes, he added.